
While experimenting with IntelliJ-based IDEs, especially Android Studio, I embarked on creating a feature to add an icon next to the declaration of compose functions with a specific action. The idea was to visually enhance the coding environment for better recognition and interaction with composable functions.

Starting Point: Creating a LineMarkerProvider

The initial step was to implement a LineMarkerProvider, essential for marking specific lines or elements in the editor with an icon.

class ComposableFunctionLineMarkerProvider : LineMarkerProvider {
    override fun getLineMarkerInfo(element: PsiElement): LineMarkerInfo<*>? {
        if (shouldHaveMarker(element)) {
            // Implementation details...
        return null;

This custom LineMarkerProvider needed to be registered within plugin.xml to be recognized and utilized by the IDE.

<extensions defaultExtensionNs="com.intellij">

Identifying Composable Functions

The core functionality revolves around accurately identifying composable functions. This involves analyzing PSI (Project Structure Interface) elements to find functions annotated with @Composable.

private fun shouldHaveMarker(element: PsiElement): Boolean {
    if (element !is KtNamedFunction) {
        return false;
    return element.annotationEntries.any { it.shortName?.asString() == "Composable" };

It’s important to note that we search for annotations by their short name, avoiding the complexity of resolving the full qualified name at this stage.

Displaying the Icon

Upon identifying a composable function, the next step is to create and display the LineMarkerInfo object, which includes the icon and its positioning.

override fun getLineMarkerInfo(element: PsiElement): LineMarkerInfo<*>? {
    if (shouldHaveMarker(element)) {
        return LineMarkerInfo(
            null, // Tooltip text
            GutterIconRenderer.Alignment.RIGHT, // Icon alignment
            { "Supplier" }
    return null;

This implementation ensures that the icon appears next to composable functions within the IDE, enhancing visual identification.

Enhancing Interactivity with CustomLineMarkerInfo

To introduce actionable capabilities to the icon, I extended LineMarkerInfo into CustomLineMarkerInfo, incorporating an action group for interactivity.

class CustomLineMarkerInfo(
    element: PsiElement,
    icon: Icon,
    private val myActionGroup: DefaultActionGroup
) : LineMarkerInfo<PsiElement>(
    { "Supplier" }
) {
    override fun createGutterRenderer(): GutterIconRenderer? {
        return object : LineMarkerGutterIconRenderer<PsiElement>(this) {
            override fun getClickAction(): AnAction? { return null; }

            override fun isNavigateAction(): Boolean { return true; }

            override fun getPopupMenuActions(): ActionGroup? { return myActionGroup; }

Final look

Here’s how it looks it at end:
